How does one generate ?
From: Reza Mostafid <>
Date: 2006-09-27 18:36:30 CEST
Hi everyone,
I have downloaded subversion-1.4.0.tar.gz and subversion-deps-tar.gz
Can someone kindly provide help to sort this by giving me yes or no
1.) Can the,, and
2.) Does the subversion configuration process *depend* on an existing
3.) If the answer to 1.) is YES: Do the *.so files generated by the
4.) If the answer to 1.) is NO: Does the Apache build process pull the
I am running Linux Fedora 5 and have successfully configured the httpd
I got the,, and
I need to be able to generate these files myself.
I would like sticking to *.tar balls. I have tried RPM with no success.
I have searched the mailing list archives and read the FAQ and tried
I would appreaciate at least some YES or NO answers to the above
Thanking you in advance for any help
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