This is what I call a "wedged" subversion because it can't find it's way
out of a paper bag to give me a good error message. (I know what I did
wrong, but SVN doesn't tell me how to fix it.)
1. Create a URL, checkout revision zero to /
2. Add the /boot directory to SVN, but don't "ci"
3. Wipe out the contents of /boot, including the .svn by accident
4. Now I'm stuck
# svn status boot
svn: Working copy 'boot' is missing or not locked
# svn status
! .
~ boot
/ # cd boot
boot # svn status
svn: '.' is not a working copy
boot # svn co file:///var/svn/fw1/boot .
svn: URL 'file:///var/svn/fw1/boot' doesn't exist
boot # cd /
/ # svn add /boot
svn: warning: '/boot' is already under version control
/ #
And around and around we go... the .svn folder in / thinks that /boot is
under version control, but there's no .svn folder in /boot. It's all
user-error, but SVN doesn't provide an easy and obvious way to recover
from it. (Such as a "svn get-new-pristine-copy from repository" command
which would re-create the .svn folder without touching existing files.)
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Received on Sat Sep 16 06:24:56 2006