On 9/9/06, Onno <onno@mijnstijljouwstijl.nl> wrote:
> Hi group,
> I'm just checking out Subversion for the first time. I bought the book and
> I'm working through it now, this looks really cool.
> But…
> The book sort of sets a person to installing Subversion and then
> TurtoiseSVN. Following this path will end the fun very quickly. Turtoise
> operations from the shell will be fine but with the more advanced stuff like
> moving, deleting files you will get stuck with the message that the client
> is too old.
> U:\svn\doc>svn move CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG
> svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'; please get a
> newer Subversion client
> So it seems that there is a rather stringent relationship between the svn
> client and the server.
It has nothing to do with the relationship between the client and
server, it has everything to do with the working copy format generated
by various different clients. In this case, I imagine you downloaded
a prerelease version of tortoisesvn 1.4, which generates a new working
copy format, but a command line client made from subversion 1.3.
Tortoise updated your working copy to the new 1.4 format, but 1.3
doesn't know how to read it.
The real problem here is that the 1.4 version of tortoise shouldn't
even have been available, but the tortoise guys like to jump the gun
and stick prerelease code places where users end up downloading it.
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Received on Mon Sep 11 16:22:37 2006