A simple build script question
From: Mark A. Keenan <keenan_at_p2sol.com>
Date: 2006-09-10 16:01:21 CEST
I am having a small issue in writing a build script and I'm hoping
The project is structured roughly like this:
What I want to do is:
1) Checkout only the script folder
2) From the script folder, run NANT which performs the build
a) checkout the other folders
b) create artifacts (binaries, etc)
c) checkin artifacts
d) tag release
I have step two working, it's the first one that I'm struggling with. If
svn co svn://machine:port/project/trunk/script c:\project\script
Then I get an error during the build that the 'script' folder already
svn: Failed to add directory 'script': object of the same name
OK, I understand the reason behind that, but if instead I do this:
svn co svn://machine:port/project/trunk c:\project -N
svn co svn://machine:port/project/trunk/script c:\project\script
Then during the "checkout" stage of the build process nothing happens.
I assume that I'm missing the obvious solution. What are others doing
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