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RE: Subversion Beginner - General Overview - Multiple Users

From: <Chris.Fouts_at_qimonda.com>
Date: 2006-09-06 20:01:41 CEST

In simple terms you can think of any repository as a file on your PC.
If you open that file and modify it, but NOT save the changes, your
modifications are NOT written to the file, but rather just on a buffer
used by your favorite editor correct? That's why if you open the same
file for a second time, while the first editor session is still open,
don't see the changes. Now if you save your changes on the first
session and then subsequently open the same file, you will see your
changes correct?
You can think of your local copy (check out copy) as your editor
buffer, and a Subversion (or any other repository manager) repository
as the file. You can keep on working on your local copy. Others will
NOT see your changes 'til you "commit" them to the repository, nor
will you see others' changes 'til they commit to the repository.
Clear as mud?


        From: Bob Butterworth [mailto:BButterworth@techpro.com]
        Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 1:33 PM
        To: users@subversion.tigris.org
        Subject: Subversion Beginner - General Overview - Multiple Users
        Hi Everyone. I've been a programmer for a while now and I've
recently needed at an increasing rate version control on my projects.
After some research i've decided on Subversion. But I have a few general
questions about the whole thing.
        Currently have I have a .net project on my local computer, and
that is where it stays. No one else can work on it but me, and
occasionally I back it up.
        If I set up a subversion server were multiple developers are
accessing it for their projects, including me, how exactly does this
        If I have the whole project with code on the server, does it get
copied down to my local computer when I check it out. I can then work on
it, and check back in the whole project? Does it then copy back up any
changed files?
        Do I keep my local copy of the project or do I always download
everything from the server.
        These may sound like stupid questions but i'm just trying to
grasp how this works. Thanks for all your help
Bob Butterworth
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Received on Wed Sep 6 20:05:49 2006

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