I'm happy to announce Subversion 1.4.0 Release Candidate 5, available
The MD5 checksums are:
0abc253d437da25e4409151fdf512542 subversion-1.4.0-rc5.tar.bz2
8872e0f20e2d1cb796cf75fd9e4a47ea subversion-1.4.0-rc5.tar.gz
58e71d9aca8432c8cf98caecd75b377d subversion-1.4.0-rc5.zip
8be4e5d57b1d647025c7aa743af0f78a subversion-deps-1.4.0-rc5.tar.bz2
81e78e7307507c3824522c610bf1fa7e subversion-deps-1.4.0-rc5.tar.gz
d93dab2c29cc762b6eff0f1c921c860c subversion-deps-1.4.0-rc5.zip
The SHA1 checksums are:
388f12008677ce5639b566ccc0f96d0ce4a53781 subversion-1.4.0-rc5.tar.bz2
5ab7b6a115c0c70ffa19c784d198ff9b607d7c6e subversion-1.4.0-rc5.tar.gz
2a657b9b3ce65a95576f36d17781931e95fed6c3 subversion-1.4.0-rc5.zip
1f55ce684921a98a54a2d8142b891a32b249d3ee subversion-deps-1.4.0-rc5.tar.bz2
b27b7bbe63feb00e799516460d90c7ef5651da2c subversion-deps-1.4.0-rc5.tar.gz
4af7bc648f0195bd6f191e7fa74d9938522b26e5 subversion-deps-1.4.0-rc5.zip
PGP Signatures are available at:
For this release, the following people have provided PGP signatures:
Garrett Rooney [1024D/9BCFCE2F] with fingerprint:
075F EDE9 4293 944E 4B56 F75C C91D B8DA 9BCF CE2F
D.J. Heap [1024D/F6254D87] with fingerprint:
5F17 7F74 C736 CE57 FD2D 4B84 127F 923C F625 4D87
David Glasser [1024D/F9FFE928] with fingerprint:
9FE9 C800 0232 1536 E979 93A2 E8E8 2060 F9FF E928
Paul T. Burba [1024D/53FCDC55] with fingerprint:
E630 CF54 792C F913 B13C 32C5 D916 8930 53FC DC55
David Anderson [1024D/EE506461] with fingerprint:
21DF EE01 0E07 B970 CBD1 F75A 09BC 35E3 EE50 6461
Ben Collins-Sussman [1024D/EC6B5156] with fingerprint:
9FBF BEB7 409D D55F 6946 5CC6 5348 1A68 EC6B 5156
Max Bowsher [1024D/C0F2C580] with fingerprint:
2388 5E64 C64E 981E 4884 834D 7C53 5299 C0F2 C580
This is the second public Release Candidate for Subversion 1.4.0,
fixing some issues that were found in rc4.
The term 'release candidate' means the Subversion developers feel that
this release is stable and ready for production use, so we encourage
people to test this release thoroughly. The final stable 1.4.0 release
is scheduled for late-August, in order to provide plenty of time for
As a note to operating system distro packagers: while we wish to have
this release candidate widely tested, we do not feel that it is ready
for packaging and providing to end-users through a distro package
system. Packaging a release candidate poses many problems, the
biggest being that our policy lets us break compatibility between the
release candidate and the final release, if we find something serious
enough. Having many users depending on a release candidate through
their distro would cause no end of pain and frustration that we do not
want to have to deal with. However, if your distro has a branch that
is clearly labeled as containing experimental and often broken
software, and explicitely destined to consenting developers and
integrators only, then we're okay with packaging the release candidate
there. Just don't let it near the end users please.
There are two important things to note if you wish to test this
release candidate.
First, you see that we have decided to splice out the libraries that
we used to ship alongside the Subversion source code into a separate
package. If you wish to use the dependencies we provide, you must
download both the subversion source package and the corresponding
'-deps' package, and decompress both into the same directory.
Second, and extremely important: due to various improvements made to
the working copy library, the working copy format has changed. Using
Subversion 1.4.0-rc4 on any working copy created by previous versions
of Subversion will TRANSPARENTLY upgrade your working copy, which
means that production-ready versions of Subversion will no longer be
able to read it! Please be careful, if you have two versions of
Subversion running on your machine, to not use the wrong version on a
production working copy.
You can find list of changes between 1.3.2 and 1.4.0-rc5 at:
New 1.4 features are explained in detail in our release notes, located
The release notes are currently incomplete, but will be completed as
we move towards the final release.
The Subversion team.
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Received on Wed Aug 30 22:09:51 2006