"Res Pons" <pons32@hotmail.com> wrote on 08/17/2006 12:19:15 PM:
> 2nd try. I do not understand svn externals just reading the very brief
> UNCLEAR section in the svn manual.
> I have a single top folder(project) with 4 or 5 subfolders. I would
like to
> use svn externals to symlink this top project into other projects. The
> manual is very unclear whether I do this at the server level or user
> or whether each user needs to do it for themselves. I ran the example
> provided in the manual replacing the values with mine and I get tons of
> errors.
> svn propget svn:externals url project
> WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? Would someone please explain this to me step by
> in laymen simpleton terms? Thanks.
svn:externals is a versioned property. This means you set it in a local
working copy and then commit it to the repository. Once you do this, then
everyone gets it.
You set the property on a parent folder of the location you want the
externals to exist. For example, the TortoiseSVN repository has a folder
named "ext" under which they want to store some of their dependencies. The
"ext" folder contains the property svn:externals and it contains this for
a value:
Subversion https://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/branches/1.4.x/
apr https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/apr/apr/tags/0.9.12/
apr-util https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/apr/apr-util/tags/0.9.12/
apr-iconv https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/apr/apr-iconv/tags/0.9.7/
neon http://svn.webdav.org/repos/projects/neon/tags/0.25.5/
When the TortoiseSVN project is checked out and the ext folder is
processed, the presence of the svn:externals property on the folder causes
these additional folders to be created and populated beneath it:
Hope this helps.
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Received on Thu Aug 17 18:40:06 2006