On 8/3/06, Jeff Barrett <jbarrett@finaplex.com> wrote:
> We've got a 1.3.2 fsfs repository that we just put together. It's
> fronted by an apache 2.2 server with a SVNParentPath. When I look at
> the top level of the repo, either in browser or commandline, I see these
> dirs in addition to my branches/trunk/tags dirs:
> README.txt
> SVN/
> conf/
> dav/
> db/
> format
> hooks/
> locks/
> And I can interact with them. We could do something like hide these
> directories via mod_authz_svn configurations, but that seems strange.
> Should these directories show up to clients or did we do something
> wrong? If they are supposed to show to clients, do most people leave
> them available or hide them?
Something is wrong with your Apache configuration. If you post your
<Location> section corresponding to the repository(ies), someone can
probably work it out pretty quickly.
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Received on Fri Aug 4 00:22:41 2006