Is there an .svn directory under /tmp/myproject/trunk ? It doesn't
appear so in your email. This should have been created when you did the
checkout to create the working copy.
-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Silver []
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 8:47 AM
Subject: problem with Quick Start
I've worked through almost all of the Quick Start in the Introduction
of the Book*, but now I'm stuck on page 7.
I have a (local) repository in /path/to/repos, and a working copy of
my project in /tmp/myproject:
Makefile bar.c foo.c
I'm not sure what the book means by "Enter your working copy", but I
cd'd to the directory /tmp/myproject/trunk),
edited foo.c using emacs, then tried to run svn diff (with my working
directory being /tmp/myproject/trunk) --
but I get the error message:
svn: '.' is not a working copy
What's wrong? What do I do now?
I'm operating on an Apple PowerBook G4 running Mac OS X (version
I have a rough (VERY rough) ability to use the command line interface
using Terminal;
I have an incompetent sysadmin (myself);
I've installed subversion v1.3, apparently successfully.
--Roland Silver <>
* The "Book" is:
Version Control with Subversion
For Subversion 1.3
(book compiled from Revision 2354)
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Received on Wed Aug 2 16:30:42 2006