Reedick, Andrew wrote:
> From: Robert Wenner []
>> Why not use svnversion, maybe in combination with a regex to
>> just get one of the numbers?
> Good point. I didn't even notice that svnversion existed until
> now. =P OTOH, svnversion only works against the working copy. In my
> experience, you should know what revision you want to build _before_ you
> create the working copy...
Knowing what revision you *want* to build and using svnversion to obtain
the number you use for versioning need not be mutually exclusive.
If I may add a point of experience: using svnversion is a very good idea
because it tells you what you *are* building, not what you *think, or
wanted* to build.
Network outtages, locked files, conflicted files (some bad person
mucking in build tree), and you can imagine what all else work together
to try to try to make the revision you specified different from what you
actually end up with on disk. Using svnversion can foil the evil plot,
alerting you of the discrepancy.
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Received on Tue Aug 1 22:30:43 2006