Steve Williams wrote:
> Ritesh Nadhani wrote:
>> I would like to setup subversion in such a way like:
>> -- One user has read-only access only to one particular project and
>> not anonymous which gives anon access to all the projects. He cannot
>> have read access to other projects too.
>> -- Specific write permission to particular projects. E.g. Mr. X has
>> read and write access only for project1 and project 3.
>> -- Branching can be done only by a particular person most probably
>> the project admin.
>> Is this possible? If not then what would you suggest to handle such
>> situations?
> The Subversion Book describes exactly what you need. AuthzSVN.
Unfortunately, it doesn't enforce it for other access methods. That takes a
pre-commit hook, using an approach such as and svnperms.conf,
which actually give better resolution of control such as read-only, add,
delete, and edit for tags and branches.
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Received on Tue Jul 25 12:17:13 2006