On 7/24/06, Kamal <kalotus@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2006/7/24, Erik Huelsmann:
> > No, we just write Subversion. CollabNet provides the project
> > environment (tigris.org), which is managed by CollabNet Operations: we
> > can not change any parameters in the hosting environment... Sorry.
> > (And: No, CollabNet is not *the* entity developing Subversion,
> > although they have always been generous with donations!)
> >
> > bye,
> >
> > Erik.
> Thank you for the clarification, I will write the CollabNet people if
> they can do this.
> But I continue to think you can modify
> "http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectMailingListList" and
> clarify this to the people subscribing.
Sorry, but only in the description texts (which do not accept line
feeds, because HTML ignores them and HTML markup is not allowed),
which would make it very hard to distinguish description from
additional comments.
The page itself is generated from templates outside our control...
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Received on Mon Jul 24 16:48:21 2006