wrote on 07/20/2006 09:25:11 AM:
> I couldn't decide where to post this problem, but I think this is the
> right list instead of the subclipse one.
> My problem in short is: when I put my repository parent path as
> repository in eclipse it gives an error. (Propfind 301)
> I have Apache2 with subversion 1.3.2 and configured it to use an
> SvnParentPath and I created a few repositories in there.
> Like this
> /var/svn/repos <- SvnParentPath
> /var/sv/repos/repo1 <- repo created with svnadmin
> /var/sv/repos/repo2 <- repo created with svnadmin
> I have the listing on, so when I go to http://localhost/svn with my
> browser I can see the repositories, all fine.
> When I use http://localhost/svn/repo1 as repository in eclipse, also no
> problem.
> What I wish to see is, that when I use http://localhost/svn as
> repository location, it shows the different svn repositories, so I can
> check them out and make Eclipse project for them.
> Is this possible?
I think we run the svn info command on the URL you provide, and I imagine
that would bomb out.
Does svn ls work?
In general, this isn't going to work in Subclipse anyway, as we store the
repository root URL with the connection (which is why we run svn info). If
the connection contains multiple repositories there is not going to be
anyway to have a valid root URL and we do need that in several places.
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Received on Thu Jul 20 15:36:23 2006