On Jul 13, 2006, at 19:39, Sean McBride wrote:
> svn: File 'Installer.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
> InfoPlist.strings' has binary mime type property
> then stops and doesn't add the other files in the folder. Yet it
> _did_
> add the file it complained about:
> A Installer.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
> InfoPlist.strings
> What is that message supposed to be telling me? It's not very
> clear at all.
> In my auto-props I have:
> *.strings = svn:eol-style=LF
> .strings files are UTF-16, perhaps svn is not detecting them as text,
> and thus confused that I want to set the eol style of a binary file?
> Doesn't specifying an 'eol-style' give svn a hint that's it's not
> binary?! :)
> I'd like to suggest the following to the developers:
> 1) that error message should be a warning, seeing as it added the
> file anyway
> 2) that error message should go away entirely, since having an 'eol-
> style' property implies text
> 3) utf16 files should be autodetected as text, not binary
Subversion does not handle UTF-16 files as text. It treats them as
binary. This is the following bug, which I found by searching the
issue database for "UTF":
Mac OS X .strings files appear to have the proper byte-order marker,
providing an easy (and IMHO the only) means by which Subversion could
detect the UTF-16-ness of these files. However, Subversion currently
does not do so.
svn:eol-style transformations can only be done on text files. Thus
the error message is likely displayed because you've asked for text-
file transformations to be done to a file that Subversion recognizes
as binary.
In particular, Subversion seems concerned with the file's assigned
MIME type within Subversion. You could try giving .strings files an
svn:mime-type in the text/* space, but you'd have to see whether it
would know how to do end-of-line conversions on 2-byte characters.
The fact that bug 2194 isn't resolved leads me to believe it won't work.
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Received on Thu Jul 13 23:08:51 2006