Problem with svn_client_mkdir function
From: Rafael \ <>
Date: 2006-07-04 20:03:44 CEST
hi... anyone can help me with a development problem when I try to make
-- []'s Rafael 'fumasa' Giorgetti the code: [DllImport("")] static extern IntPtr svn_client_mkdir( ref IntPtr commit_info, IntPtr apr_array_paths, IntPtr ctx, IntPtr pool); public void Mkdir(string[] paths, UpdateCallback callback) { if (paths == null || callback == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); lock (sync) { if (inProgress) throw new SubversionException("Another Subversion operation is already in progress."); inProgress = true; } updatecallback = callback; IntPtr localpool = newpool(pool); try { // Put each item into an APR array. IntPtr array = apr_array_make(localpool, 0, IntPtr.Size); foreach (string path in paths) { IntPtr item = apr_array_push(array); Marshal.WriteIntPtr(item, apr_pstrdup(localpool, path)); } IntPtr commit_info = IntPtr.Zero; CheckError(svn_client_mkdir ( ref commit_info, array, ctx, localpool)); } finally { commitmessage = null; updatecallback = null; apr_pool_destroy(localpool); inProgress = false; } } --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@subversion.tigris.orgReceived on Tue Jul 4 20:05:10 2006 |
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