Can't figure out authzfile syntax for subdirectory access control
From: Xn Nooby <>
Date: 2006-04-27 16:38:04 CEST
I'm trying to get path-based authorization to work on an existing
I changed my svnserve.conf file by adding the line:
authz-db = authzfile
In the authzfile I added the following lines to block all access:
Then I added the following line to give myself read/write access (which
When I try to limit my access to specifc folders, it doesn't work:
This results in an "access denied" when I try to commit a change. I believe
My server is svnserve on a Windows 2003 Server. Svnserve is running as a
But I do not understand the syntax of their pathname, why does it have a
Any suggestions? I need to figure out how to control access to
I trined many things like:
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