On Apr 25, 2006, at 23:38, John Oliver wrote:
> $ svn co http://localhost/svn/repos wc
> The most common reason this might fail is permission problems
> reading the repository db files.
> However, it just gave info about setting up the Apache server.
> What and
> where is this "wc" supposed to come from? What "repository db files"
> might have permission problems?
Have you read the book?
It explains everything pretty well.
"svn co <url> <wc>" creates the directory <wc> and puts into it a
checkout of the repository at <url>. "svn help co" tells you more
about this command.
The repository files which might have incorrect permissions are those
in the directory you specified below in your Apache config, in /opt/
www/svn, the directory which was presumably an argument to your
"svnadmin create" command.
> Just for giggles, i tried it, and got:
> [root_at_dev subversion-1.3.1]# svn co http://localhost/ wc
> svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/'
> svn: PROPFIND of '/': 405 Method Not Allowed (http://localhost)
> Nothing is logged to the error_log
A 405 error has occurred. If you're not seeing it in the error log,
then you're not looking in the right error log.
Your vhost below is set up for svn.domain.com but you tried to check
out localhost. Unless this is the first vhost in your Apache
configuration file, that won't work. (Check your first vhost's error
log for example, and you may see that's where your checkout request
landed.) Try checking out http://svn.domain.com/ instead.
> My Apache config:
> <VirtualHost>
> ServerName svn.domain.com
> DocumentRoot "/opt/www/svn"
> CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/svn-access.log" combined
> ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/svn-error.log"
> <Location />
> DAV svn
> SVNPath /opt/www/svn
> </Location>
> </VirtualHost>
Ensure that you're loading both mod_dav.so and mod_dav_svn.so.
Is there a proxy server that could be interfering? Proxy servers are
often not configured to allow PROPFIND and other essential WebDAV
The DocumentRoot should not be the same as the SVNPath. In fact, if
the entire vhost is taken up with the task of serving the repository,
as it is in your case, no DocumentRoot should be needed at all. If
you want to set one, set it to any other directory. An empty
directory such as /var/empty might be a good choice.
> I just need to get this thing to do whatever it does so I can hand it
> off.
That doesn't sound like a reasonable strategy—investing time in
understanding the system enough to set it up and get it going, only
to hand it off to someone else to maintain. A revision control system
is not a toaster; it's a complicated piece of software that requires
a human to understand how it works and to nurture it. Serving through
Apache requires good knowledge of how Apache works, also not a
trivial undertaking. A better strategy would be for whoever's going
to maintain this repository to spend a weekend reading the Subversion
book, understanding it, asking questions on the list if necessary,
and then setting up the repository, because then they'll be in a much
better position to properly administer it.
P.S: Don't forget to plan and implement a back-up strategy!
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Received on Wed Apr 26 01:41:01 2006