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RE: HOWTO gather usage statistics from Subversion repository?

From: Zsolt <zkoppanylist_at_intland.com>
Date: 2006-04-21 09:11:04 CEST

Check http://intland.com/products/cb-integrations.html





From: Garry Cronin [mailto:garry.cronin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 3:35 PM
To: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: HOWTO gather usage statistics from Subversion repository?


I'm a newbie to Subversion so perhaps there are cleaner ways to accomplish
what I'm asking otherthan writing custom scripts but here goes...

Our development team (i.e. approx. 40 developers) have recently switched
over from using CVS to Subversion - because we are working on multiple
projects simultaneously we have set up the repository in the following












Now I'm interested in getting the following types of statistics on a per
project basis:


How many project team members have committed to the repository in the last x
number of days?

How many commits has each team member made in the last x number of days?

On average, what is the average number of commits made each week.


Really, this is just for my own use so that I can investigate why certain
individuals may not be using the repository. Following on from this, I have
written up a Branching & Tagging Policy document that our developers should
consistently follow. One of the rules is to avoid committing changes
directly to trunk. Instead all changes should be made on provate branches
and merged into trunk after testing & code review. How can I write a script
to determine whether such a policy is being followed? Is there a simple way
of determining whether a commit was the result of a merge as opposed to a
direct commit on trunk?


Another group within our organisation is maintaining the repository so I do
not have local access to the repository, so ideally I'd like a way to gather
these statistics without having to require local access to the repository.
If local access to the repository is required then I can always get the
group maintaining the repository to run these scripts on my behalf and send
me the results.


Thanks in advance

- Garry
Received on Fri Apr 21 09:12:50 2006

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