I'm happy to announce Subversion 1.3.1, available from:
The MD5 checksums are:
07b95963968ae345541ca99d0e7bf082 subversion-1.3.1.tar.bz2
6d650e918255596ef8b74255b3938547 subversion-1.3.1.tar.gz
82f55d0865554d950b4a7e6bd0f8741d subversion-1.3.1.zip
The SHA1 checksums are:
f8d670a0ae931fca17192d02862aa93a229e5dda subversion-1.3.1.tar.bz2
c718f90f9d12c8fe502b749f03cc2af421d39fcf subversion-1.3.1.tar.gz
25a30b526490225ed3087aa5ed787157823081ab subversion-1.3.1.zip
PGP Signatures are available at:
For this release, the following people have provided PGP signatures:
Garrett Rooney [1024D/9BCFCE2F] with fingerprint:
075F EDE9 4293 944E 4B56 F75C C91D B8DA 9BCF CE2F
D.J. Heap [1024D/F6254D87] with fingerprint:
5F17 7F74 C736 CE57 FD2D 4B84 127F 923C F625 4D87
Peter N. Lundblad [1024D/BAD621B6] with fingerprint:
AEC9 19DB 3B19 AEB8 D21B 16DD E861 6329 BAD6 21B6
Branko Cibej [2048R/C8628501] with fingerprint:
8769 28CD 4954 EA74 87B6 B96C 29B8 92D0 C862 8501
Jani Averbach [1024D/16D8B41C] with fingerprint:
3A1F 5A74 ADF2 5B0C 62E2 1F6A D6C6 2497 16D8 B41C
David Anderson [1024D/EE506461] with fingerprint:
21DF EE01 0E07 B970 CBD1 F75A 09BC 35E3 EE50 6461
Ben Collins-Sussman [1024D/EC6B5156] with fingerprint:
9FBF BEB7 409D D55F 6946 5CC6 5348 1A68 EC6B 5156
Mark Phippard [2048R/7DD66767] with fingerprint:
EAF4 5239 AF08 D762 539A 13D5 159E 3781 7DD6 6767
This is a bug fix release in the 1.3.x line.
Binary distributions are usually available for various platforms
within a week. The Subversion project does not officially endorse or
maintain any of these binary distributions, so we cannot control the
exact timing of their release.
A full list of changes since 1.3.1 can be found at:
Questions, comments, and bug reports to users@subversion.tigris.org.
- The Subversion Team
Received on Tue Apr 4 00:50:59 2006