in subversion-1.2.3/subversion/bindings/java/javahl/native/SVNClient.cpp
I found the following piece of code:
2434 void SVNClient::blame(const char *path, Revision &pegRevision,
2435 Revision &revisionStart,
2436 Revision &revisionEnd, BlameCallback
2437 {
2438 Pool requestPool;
2439 if(path == NULL)
2440 {
2441 JNIUtil::throwNullPointerException("path");
2442 return;
2443 }
2444 apr_pool_t * apr_pool = requestPool.pool ();
2445 Path intPath(path);
2446 svn_error_t *Err = intPath.error_occured();
2447 if(Err != NULL)
2448 {
2449 JNIUtil::handleSVNError(Err);
2450 return;
2451 }
2452 svn_client_ctx_t *ctx = getContext(NULL);
2453 if(ctx == NULL)
2454 {
2455 return;
2456 }
2457 svn_error_t * error = svn_client_blame2 (intPath.c_str(),
2458 pegRevision.revision(),
2460 revisionEnd.revision(),
2461 blame_receiver2,
2462 callback,
2463 ctx,
2464 apr_pool);
2465 if(Err != SVN_NO_ERROR)
2466 {
2467 JNIUtil::handleSVNError(Err);
2468 return;
2469 }
2470 }
There seems to be a bug on line 2457. I guess instead of "svn_error_t *
error =" if should be "Err =" because that variable is tested on line
2465. I was not able to check this for the latest revision because I
couldn't get on subversion.tigris.org.
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Received on Mon Mar 27 12:29:41 2006