CVSNT and Subversion binary file handling comparison
From: Alfredo Anderson <>
Date: 2006-03-17 23:36:46 CET Hi, we are evaluating CVSNT and Subversion.
Comparing binary files handling, we've found that CVSNT seems to be much more efficient than Subversion.
We tested with the file (38.401.269 bytes) , downloaded from
The next table shows the file system space used by subversion and CVSNT after operations 1, 2, 3 y 4.
1 2 3 4
SVN: 37.932.031 37.983.254 46.071.560 72.523.597
CVS: 38.535.677 38.587.299 38.779.655 38.990.102
1: zip file added to the repository
2: access.cfg file was eliminated from the .zip and the change was commited
3: mysqlclient.lib file was eliminated from the .zip and the change was commited
4: mysqld-debug.exe file was eliminated from the .zip and the change was commited
On our first test we used a zip file with compressed images and we got similar results. Then we used the mysql installer to work on a public accesible file (in case that someone was interested in checking our results).
Somebody can confirm that the performance difference in handling binary files between CVSNT and Subversion is indeed like the one that our tests show up ?
There is a way to improve the binary files handling of Subversion ?
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