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Problem with deleting files

From: Paul Maddox <P.Maddox_at_signal.QinetiQ.com>
Date: 2006-03-14 16:39:57 CET


 We've had a couple of odd things crop up.
I've tried to delete a file, and perform a commit.

there's a bit of history around this, so I'll explain..
once upon a time, there was a branch with a directory structure.
When doing a merge and re-branch some kind user forgot to drop their locks.
Anyway, after the branch, the file was subsequently deleted.

Now if I try and remove this old directory I get an error, saying I can't
because the file is currently locked by another user, even though the file
is no longer there.
I get this ;-

Error commit failed
User paul does now own lock on path
(currently locked by idiotuser2)

I can't 'get' or 'steal' the locks because, well there's nothing there to
get or steal!
I've tried creating a file with the same name, commiting, 'dropping the
locks, and trying to delete again, but I get the same error.

we're using tortoise SVN on the clients and the server is using SVN version

Can anyone offer any advice.


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Received on Tue Mar 14 16:47:34 2006

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