> ?
> Using TortoiseSvn on Win32 (not that it matters, I think).
> There are explicit filesystem paths set up in several .config files
> in the repository. The paths are set to run on a development server -
> just export from the repository and copy to the server and I'm done.
> However, the paths are different for each developer that actually
> works on the files.
> After a developer checks out the files, he does a global
> search-replace occurs to set the .config files for the local system
> environment. However, this marks the files "changed", so when a merge
> occurs, the developer desktop-specific stuff ends up back in the
> tree. A bad thing. They end up having to re-set the paths back (when
> they remember) before check-in.
> Is there a post-checkout-hook for the client that could modify the
> files "by stealth" so those changes could be applied without
> affecting SVN? I'm not worried about other moodifications to the
> files, since there aren't any, they only contain host-specific path
> information.
> Thanks.
Standard advice for developer-specific config files is to have a
template version under version control, and have the actual config files
set to be ignored. Thus, each developer changes his/her own config file
once, and only worries about it when the template changes.
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Received on Mon Mar 13 17:17:40 2006