Steve Kargl wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 05:30:05PM -0500, Frank Gruman wrote:
>> <snip>
>> For example - I have 3 separate working copies attached to 3 separate
>> repositories. The first is our code server, the second is a completely
>> separate repository for documents, and the third is my own personal code
>> server that I have hosted from home. SO - in the CVS world, what would
>> I set my CVSROOT to? Given Ryan's response, I could create
>> $CODE/project/path, $DOCS/project/path, and $HOME/project/path.
> It is clear that you and I have a different idea on what a repository
> is. To me, a repository contains independent projects. To you, each
> independent project has its own repository.
Not necessarily. I have all of my code projects in one repository. We
have 4 separate applications in that code repository. Same thing with
documentation. There is documentation for the code projects as well as
other things such as sales RFPs, departmental standards and procedures,
etc. And then, or course, my own personal code for my own personal
projects should have absolutely zero interaction with the other
repositories I have to maintain for work.
So perhaps the first two can be broken down by purpose since I have the
flexibility to do that, but the third is separate out of necessity. And
I could still use my original method without running the risk of mixing
things up.
Received on Fri Mar 3 23:51:46 2006