On 1/31/06, Vigo, Nestor <Nestor.Vigo@pearson.com> wrote:
> I am using Subversion (v1.2.0 on Linux) as SCM tool, Tortoise SVN (v 1.2.4)
> as client to be precise.
> I would like to extract certain files from the SVN repository following the
> rules:
> 1) These files are all in a folder (tag) that represent the files to be
> deployed into the production/live environment
> 2) Selecting only the ones that fit with a given revision number
> 3) Choosing the ones that fit with a given name (or file pattern –ie
> wildcards)
> The files are in a special 'tag' directory and needs to be deployed in the
> production/live environment.
> Are there any way (function, option) in Tortoise SVN to do that? If so,
> which one?
> Any help on this topic will be greatly appreciated,
You might have better luck on the TortoiseSVN mailing list.
Received on Tue Jan 31 15:44:00 2006