Problem commiting - failed commit actually worked
From: Karl Auer <>
Date: 2006-01-23 02:01:19 CET
I am experimenting with vendor branches and followed the plan in the SVN book. The initial import worked fine. I copied the current version to a tag version, and checked out the current version. I copied the next version over the current version in my working directory, and went to do a commit. The commit failed as in the next three lines:
Transmitting file data ...
Hm. OK, probably a network failure, my link is very slow. Oh, there's a typo in the error message too, but that's not so important. Anyway, I did another commit. This time it failed like this (line breaks added for clarity):
commit -m "Upgrade to dnsjava 2.0.0." /home/kauer/eclipse_workspace/current/doc/org/xbill/DNS/Generator.html
I've read this error message a dozen times and I still can't get my head around the difference between a "version resource" and the "resource within the transaction".
However, looking at the repository, it seems that first commit actually worked! The version I have in my working directory is out of date, because *it* thinks the commit failed. So I would appear to have received a "commit failed" message when a commit did in fact succeed. I guess that's better than getting "commit succeeded" when the commit actually failed, but it's still not good.
It seems to me that failures of that type ("Cannot connect" or whatever) should return a much mre ambivalent message; the client had sent all it needed to send, but never received an acknowlegement. The error should have been something like "all data sent, but cannot confirm that commit succeeded".
Regards, K.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer ( +61-2-64957160 (w/h) +61-428-957160 (mob) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@subversion.tigris.orgReceived on Mon Jan 23 02:02:13 2006 |
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