-----Original Message-----
From: Gale, David - Thursday, 5 January 2006 3:42 pm
>Aaron Montgomery wrote:
>> I am new to subversion so I may be wrong here. It seems that this is
>> a client issue as none of these oddly named files actually make it
>> into the repository, if that isn't correct, then my suggestion may
>> not work, but here goes:
>> In each individual's configuration file, they should have a list of
>> extensions. If a conflict occurs with a file that has such an
>> extension, then the new files are created by removing the extension,
>> appending "mine" or "r42", and then appending the extension. People
>> who want the default behavior simply leave the list of extensions
>> blank. Someone who wants this behavior could use a list like the
>> following list (notice that this will keep the .tar.gz together at
>> the end of the file).
>> .doc
>> .c
>> .h
>> .tar.gz
>> Just a thought,
>> Aaron
>Ah! A solution I'd like! (See, I'm not impossible to please!) This
>seems to wrap up almost everyone's positions:
>- It preserves the current behavior by default, so existing programs
>aren't broken.
>- It allows users who want the extension at the end to make sure they
>stay at the end, without forcing it on those who don't.
>- It handles arbitrary extensions well, rather than relying on some
>arcane heuristic.
>The only position it doesn't satisfy are the people who want the
>conflict markers at the front of the filename. Perhaps, if the list of
>extensions supported (psuedo?)regular expressions, even this could be
>overcome. Anyone have a good idea that would make it clear how to
>encode ".doc" (as most users would want), and ".*" (as some would like),
>without the confusion of whether the . is a literal period, or the
>regular-expression "any character"?
If this is a client issue, would it make sense for clients that know about
the client platform (such as TortoiseSVN) to pay attention to the extensions
actually associated with applications?
- Evan
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Received on Fri Jan 6 00:59:21 2006