Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2006Q1@ryandesign.com> writes:
> Though it is slighty silly to "gunzip foo.txt.gz.r42.gz" and end up
> with "foo.txt.gz.r42" which is not, despite the hint in its name,
> gzipped.
> The only way I see around this silliness while still solving the
> other problems we're trying to solve is as some have already
> suggested, putting "r42" and such at the beginning of the filename,
> possibly after a prefix like "svn-". I'm just pretty sure I dislike
> that it would bunch all conflicted files together, and away from the
> original files.
Well, how about just always putting the Subversion portion *after* the
first component?
A "component" is everything from the start of the filename to the
first dot (or the end of the name, if it has no dots). The
Subversion-inserted portion ".FOO" would go immediately after the
first component, always.
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Received on Fri Jan 6 00:04:41 2006