[Fwd: Re: How to remove a versioned file from version control without deleting it.]
From: Hendrik Maryns <hendrik_maryns_at_despammed.com>
Date: 2005-11-28 11:38:25 CET
I thought I´d follow Mark´s advice below and throw the question in here:
I know one can always regenerate it from a previous revision, it would
-------- Origineel bericht --------
news <news@sea.gmane.org> wrote on 11/25/2005 12:03:35 PM:
> Mark Phippard schreef:
Don't file it with us, you need to take it up on the Subversion users@
-- Hendrik Maryns ================== www.lieverleven.be http://aouw.org --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@subversion.tigris.org For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@subversion.tigris.orgReceived on Mon Nov 28 11:46:11 2005 |
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