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[Fwd: Re: How to remove a versioned file from version control without deleting it.]

From: Hendrik Maryns <hendrik_maryns_at_despammed.com>
Date: 2005-11-28 11:38:25 CET


I thought I´d follow Mark´s advice below and throw the question in here:
  Why oh why is it impossible to remove a file from version control
without deleting it in the working copy?

I know one can always regenerate it from a previous revision, it would
just be a nice feature.


-------- Origineel bericht --------
Onderwerp: Re: How to remove a versioned file from version control
without deleting it.

news <news@sea.gmane.org> wrote on 11/25/2005 12:03:35 PM:

> Mark Phippard schreef:
> > news <news@sea.gmane.org> wrote on 11/25/2005 08:52:38 AM:
> >
> >
> >>I accidentally added a properties file to version control, but don´t
> >>want that. I don´t see any way to add it to svn:ignore, except by
> >>deleting it and recreating it, which is obviously not the best solution.
> >
> >> Otherwise, I can make a backup from the filesystem, then remove it
> >>etc. but this is all rather annoying. Are there better solutions?
> >
> >
> > The only method I am aware of is to delete it, commit it, put it back and
> > add it to svn:ignore.
> A clumsy method indeed. Maybe I should file a feature request about
> this? I mean, it has happened to me a few times already, so I don´t
> think this is a very uncommon thing to do.

Don't file it with us, you need to take it up on the Subversion users@
list. I have seen it come across the list several times and is usually
rejected. But I agree it would be nice if Subversion had a way to do


Hendrik Maryns
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Received on Mon Nov 28 11:46:11 2005

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