On Nov 15, 2005, at 23:09, Matt England wrote:
> I'm still curious as to how one manages subversion-server-wide
> config properties (like global-ignore) in any case, and am a bit
> concerned that there's now clear way (as of yet) that I know of for
> me to do this for my svn-1.2.3 server on redhat9. Also, I'd like
> to know to manage global-ignore/svn:ignore on a per-server, per-
> repo, and per-user basis for one or many files or directories. The
> documentation seems unclear on this.
The ignores are only client-side. Global ignores apply to all working
copies managed with a particular Subversion client program, and
svn:ignore applies to any particular directory regardless of which
client is working on it.
As you discovered, ignore only relates to ignoring the files in
status queries, and also when adding entire directories—ignored files
in the directories don't get added. If you however say "svn add *"
then your shell (not Subversion) expands the * to every file in the
directory, and Subversion will add them all.
If you want to prevent anyone from committing, for example, *.o files
to the repository, you can write a pre-commit hook that gets a list
of all files in the transaction, does pattern matching on them to see
if any prohibited files are listed, and if so, outputs a message to
that effect and exits with a nonzero code, which cancels the commit.
The user then corrects the problem and attempts the commit again.
You can set up a client configuration file as you like, with the set
of global ignores, auto-props and other settings recommended for your
organization, and distribute it to all developers via email, web
page, file sharing volume or whatever.
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Received on Wed Nov 16 16:31:17 2005