yeah, I knew someone would say that. what I really wanted was some sort of
"don't delete this, but just remove it from the head". we use trac and a lot
of people use its source browser to look at the source code. having these
components visible is a little confusing for some.
thanks ryan, as well as lieven and chris. I copied everything into a
top-level "milestones" directory on the head, and I'll just work in here
from now on. this will be visible, but hopefully the milestones name will
make it clear that what's in there is some historical archive.
anyway, thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan Schmidt []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 3:25 AM
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: how to check-in to a deleted repository?
> On Sep 27, 2005, at 03:31, THOMAS DAVID VAUGHAN wrote:
> > But we also discovered that library1 wasn't needed and so it was
> > deleted. Thinking of course that it's still technically in the
> > repository and can be brought back as needed.
> [...]
> > so to bring back the deleted library i need to use "-r 263" when i
> > check out. not a big deal, i thought. until i needed to check
> > something back in.
> If you're trying to check in an update to your library, then
> you obviously still need it, hence you shouldn't have deleted
> it. Bring it back into the HEAD (with a reverse merge to undo
> the deletion, probably with peg-revision syntax, like someone
> said) and then you'll be able to check it out and check in
> modifications as desired. And then, refrain from deleting
> things you still use! :-)
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Received on Fri Sep 30 09:47:32 2005