On 9/21/05, Jens v. P. <developer@jevopi.de> wrote:
> Please don't tell me that '0x0d' is not allowed in filenames. First,
> it isn't me naming icons like that, second it comes down to the
> question whether spaces or umlauts are allowed or not.
I tripped over a similar problem several months back, and IIRC
Subversion doesn't allow CR or LF in pathnames because of concern that
it'd complicate message output, and possibly flummox line-based
parsing (maybe dump/load?). Other control chars are out since they're
not legal XML characters.
This is, unfortunately, one of a few areas where Subversion doesn't
play nicely with Mac OS X (extended attrs/resource forks and
case-senstitivty being the others). From the OS X users' perspective,
it often seems to be Subversion imposing arbitrary limits to avoid
dealing with issues that don't directly impact the maintainers. From
the Subversion maintainers' perspective, it's a question of how much
time to spend on addressing the needs of the minority of users whose
OS does unusual things with the filesystem. There's probably some
truth to both points of view.
On a practical level, you have a few options:
- Wrap up icons (and resource-based files) as OS X zipfiles,
Macbinaries, Binhexen,
or the like, and store those files in the repo. You might add a
target to your Makefile
to collect these actions, so that a 'make commitprep' or somesuch
will set you up
to commit your files. (No, Subversion doesn't support client-side
hooks [yet?];
that's also been discussed extensively, but has foundered on issues
of consistency
across clients and possible after-commit effects.)
- Patch your copy of Subversion to permit CR in pathnames, and see
whether it breaks
anything at your site. My sense was that it currently worked well
in most cases, but I
haven't really tested it, and there's no guarantee it'd continue to work.
Charles Bailey
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Received on Wed Sep 21 17:08:19 2005