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RE: Delphi .RES and version info

From: Leon Zandman <lzandman_at_lode.nl>
Date: 2005-09-21 10:02:08 CEST


> Is there some 'good' recommended way of
> using Subversion with these resource files?

I've had lots of troubles with Delphi projects and SCM systems in a
multi-user environment in the past. Delphi automatically creates some
files that shouldn't be shared with other users, because that will give
you trouble. The files I'm talking about are the RES, DSK and CFG files.
So I never add these files to my SCM repositories. Unfortunately the
project's main RES file includes the application's main icon. So that
icon will also be lost forever.

To solve this I totally bypass the creation of the application's RES
file and manually add a .RC to my project that takes care of including
the main icon to my application. Unfortunately this has another side
effect: the addition of the application's version information will also
be skipped. So I add another .RC file to my project that contains the
version info. Now you should no longer use the project properties dialog
for changing the icon and/or the version info, but you should change the
.RC files instead.

So to sum it up:

1) Create a new application project

2) Remove the line "{$R *.res}" from the project's source (.DPR file).

3) Copy the icon you want your project to use as it's main icon into the
project's directory.

4) Create a file called "ExeIcon.RC" which should only consist of one

        MAINICON ICON "icon.ico"

Note that "icon.ico" should be changed to your icon's filename.

5) Create a file called "VersionInfo.RC" with the following contents:

        FILEVERSION 1,1,1,100
        PRODUCTVERSION 1,1,1,100
            BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
                BLOCK "040904E4"
                    VALUE "CompanyName", "Your Company Name\000"
                    VALUE "FileDescription", "Your File
                    VALUE "FileVersion", "\000"
                    VALUE "InternalName", "Your Internal name\000"
                    VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Your Legal Copyright\000"
                    VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "Your Legal
                    VALUE "OriginalFilename", "Your Original
                    VALUE "ProductName", "Your Product Name\000"
                    VALUE "ProductVersion", "\000"
                    VALUE "Comments", "Your Comments\000"
                    ; These values below can be removed at will
                    VALUE "PrivateBuild", "Your Private Build\000"
                    VALUE "SpecialBuild", "Your Special Build\000"
            BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
                VALUE "Translation", 0x0409 0x04E4

Note the "\000" at the end of each resource string. I found this
necessary for most of the lines. The ones that contain a version number
can do without it, but just to be consistent I added them at the end of
every line.

6) Add both .RC files to your Delphi project. This will ensure they are
automatically compiled into .RES files when the project is built.

7) Build your project and it should all work fine!

For the above project the only files you need to check into Subversion

        * Project.DPR
        * Project.DOF
        * Unit1.PAS
        * Unit1.DFM
        * Icon.ICO
        * ExeIcon.RC
        * VersionInfo.RC

I've created a sample (Delphi 6) project that uses this method. You can
download it from the following location:



Leon Zandman

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Received on Wed Sep 21 10:04:25 2005

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