On 9/19/05, Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2005@ryandesign.com> wrote:
> On Sep 18, 2005, at 23:21, Erik Huelsmann wrote:
> > http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#http-301-error
> As an Apache administrator, I gotta say I'm pretty baffled by what's
> being said there:
> > For example, if you've exported a repository as <Location /www/
> > foo>, but you've also set your DocumentRoot to be /www, then you're
> > in trouble. When the request comes in for /www/foo/bar, apache
> > doesn't know whether to find a real file named /foo/bar within your
> > DocumentRoot, or whether to ask mod_dav_svn to fetch a file /bar
> > from the /www/foo repository. Usually the former case wins, and
> > hence the "Moved Permanently" error.
> >
> > The solution is to make sure your repository <Location> does not
> > overlap or live within any areas already exported as normal web
> > shares.
> There are so many things wrong with this entry, I barely know where
> to begin. Apache "doesnt't know" what to do and will therefore
> "usually" do it this certain way? No, sorry; I don't buy that: Apache
> is not a random number generator. Apache will either always do it one
> way, or always another, but it won't switch between them on a whim.
> To the rest of it, let's try to construct this example the FAQ entry
> seems to be talking about.
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> ServerName example.com
> DocumentRoot /www
> <Location /www/foo>
> SVNPath /data/svn
Ok. What I think the FAQ entry means is that the SVNPath directive
points to /www/www/foo, so that both the location and the DocumentRoot
resolve to the exact same physical path... I agree that it's not very
clear from the entry text.
Do you have any idea what happens if you try it my way? Or can you
test and report back? I'll update the entry with your findings.
Received on Mon Sep 19 13:17:03 2005