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Re: per-project version numbers - a way to support them? (without changing Subversion!?)

From: Frank Gruman <fgatwork_at_verizon.net>
Date: 2005-09-16 18:38:38 CEST

Scott Palmer wrote:
> On 16-Sep-05, at 9:51 AM, Johnson, Rick wrote:
>> <rant>
>> I'm really getting tired of people saying this whenever questions about
>> the revision numbers come up. Even if you agree that a revision number
>> isn't a meaningful piece of information (which I don't!)...
> It's not that it isn't meaningful so much as people try to attach
> meaning that isn't there. It's really just a matter of people
> understanding what they are dealing with instead of trying to twist it
> so they can use it as something it isn't.
> Scott
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ok - so - ummmmm - whatever happened to using the Branches / Tags
theory to help maintain the application version numbering. Then you
could take the name of that tag to apply to your application version.
That seems to make sense to me.

And to the uninitiated non-developer, if you need to explain what that
revision number is, you tell them it is a modification number. There
have been that many small and large changes to the code since its
inception. You don't have to tell them about repositories. If the
revision numbers go from 1000 to 5000, the customer thinks that there
were 4000 changes to the code. You can go so far as to tell them this
includes fixes and future functionality. Even though it really is
across 5 or 10 different projects. I suppose if you are a small
software company with one or two clients, this may bother some. But if
you are developing for multiple clients, many of those changes will
impact all clients, and some of those changes will impact only one
client. But they are all mixed together. If you need something so
completely independent, create a separate repository. Subversion has no
limit on the number of repositories.

I work for a software company that provides applications globally and to
many large clients, including the US Govt. Many of our big RFP's ask
about release management and code structure and what our development
environment is like. I've never had to go any further than what I said
above to any of those clients.


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Received on Fri Sep 16 18:40:42 2005

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