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Re: per-project version numbers - a way to support them? (without changing Subversion!?)

From: Alan Jay Weiner <alan_at_ajw.com>
Date: 2005-09-16 03:47:56 CEST

>> repository-wide version numbers...

>Besides really having the urge to say "get used to it", I have to
>wonder why you think revision numbers in your subversion repository
>matter in the slightest? Why are your clients looking at the
>revision numbers at all?

Well, in the same vein as "get used to it", uh... "because they are" :)
(although they *aren't* any more... :)

In one case I provided the Subversion log as a list of changes - naturally it
showed the Subversion version number, and that led to questions about what
happened in the "missing" revisions. I explained, but they seemed uncomfortable
with it anyway.

After thinking about it more, maybe the best answer *is* "get used to it".

It was one of my concerns when I first started using Subversion, and I've seen
others ask about it (always coming from SourceSafe if I remember right...)

Mostly it's a change from "how I've always done it" - as I said, I've gotten
used to it, but some part of me still prefers per-project version numbers...
(no! I'm not going back to VSS!! :)

>It's not like the numbers have any significant meaning. If the
>number is 12 for one "version" on your project and "1345" for the
>next, what does that really mean? The revision number getting bumped
>doesn't correspond to any logical unit of change in the project, even
>if you do have one revision number per project. E.g. it goes up even
>when you revert a change and move backwards.

True... It's hanging importance on numbers that really *aren't* important....

>Is there a reason you can't use the one project per repository model?

Just inertia - I've got a dozen projects in my repo already...

>If you could explain the rational for needing subversion to track per-
>project version numbers in the first place it might help generate
>some ideas. I.e. why exactly is it that you don't want it to work
>the way it does now? What problem are you trying to solve?
>My first inclination would be to simply stop giving the revision
>information to your clients... then they won't have anything to ask
>questions about :).

That's exactly what I've done - the project tracks "version numbers" separately,
and I use the subversion version number as a build number (so I can relate
builds back to specific repo versions)

Maybe I *am* trying to solve a non-problem...
I *do* do that occasionally... :)

Good questions, Scott - and since I don't have good answers, I'm inclined to
agree that it's a non-issue. Especially since I've already gotten used to it.

- Al -

--  Alan Weiner  --  alan_at_ajw.com  --  http://www.ajw.com
Palm OS Certified Developer
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Received on Fri Sep 16 03:53:44 2005

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