On 9/14/05, Philippe C. Martin <philippe@philippecmartin.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been through a lot of doc and faqs, but I cannot find a way out to my
> problem(s).
> I basically have quite a few problems with some sub-directories added to an
> existing working copy (using add recursive)
> I do not really know how to go about it, so these are sequential commands and
> errors: (Note, SC is the top directory - I actually have quite a few
> problems, but understanding this problem would be a good start)
> Thanks a lot!
> Philippe
> ***Commit root***
> lots of files being processed then:
> svn: Working copy '/home/philippe/dev/SC' locked
> svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)
> error (1)
> ***Cleanup root***
> svn cleanup SC
> svn: 'SC/Windows Installers/SCFB/Debug' is not a working copy directory
> error (1)
> ****try to add Windows Installer as workging copy***
What this looks like is that the Debug directory was deleted
and then readded. The problem is that the .svn directory has
been lost, but since the directory is there subversion gets
confused. Try deleting that directory again, then svn cleanup.
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Received on Thu Sep 15 16:16:26 2005