Strange... I tried running svn up but then it told me I was already at the latest revision
and when I ran svn commit afterwards, I was allowed to commit without any errors....?
Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
> On Sep 14, 2005, at 6:04 AM, Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
>> I tried to commit but I got this error message..:
>> Commit failed (details follow):
>> svn: Out of date: '/trunk' in transaction '56-1'
>> All I did before commit, was to add som svn:ignore properties....
>> Any explanations?
> See this section on 'mixed revisions' in the book:
> In short, you can't commit a propchange to a directory whose working
> revision isn't at HEAD. You need to run 'svn up'. That's why you're
> seeing the 'out of date' message. The repository is telling you
> there's a newer version of the directory '/trunk' in the repository,
> and therefore you're not allowed to commit a change to it. It's the
> same message you'd see if you tried to commit a change to an old
> version of a file.
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Received on Wed Sep 14 16:31:07 2005