On Mon, 2005-09-12 at 17:33 -0400, Paul Koning wrote:
> >>>>> "Christopher" == Christopher Ness <chris@nesser.org> writes:
> Christopher> What kind of authz are you using? Is the repository
> Christopher> wide open for anyone or are there permissions for each
> Christopher> dir?
> readonly wide open, "basic" for read-write.
Basic is apache doing the authentication for a URL location, not
subversion. In effect it is the same as .htaccess files you mention.
Authz is more advanced authentication based on directories within
subversion and is usually a module for apache. The documentation on
authz can be found here:
So you don't have this in your config:
# our access control policy
AuthzSVNAccessFile /path/to/access/file
You could safely disable the path checks in your setup. But leave a big
comment in case you ever do start to use Authz ACL's.
> Christopher> The book says the log sub-command is mostly hit by the
> Christopher> overhead of checking the paths for each directory. If
> Christopher> you have that many files, I'm thinking you have quite a
> Christopher> nested directory structure.
> Christopher> This link will show you how to disable authz and
> Christopher> explains what is going on in more detail:
> Christopher> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch06s04.html#svn-ch-6-sect-4.4.3
> Thanks, I'll study that.
> Christopher> ALSO: I'd like to know what type of file system you are
> Christopher> using (likely ext3). If you have time, try the
> Christopher> repository in a Reiser file system partition and post
> Christopher> your benchmark times again.
> ext3. But I'd rather not switch. What does Reiser have going for it
> that would help here?
There was talk on list about file systems affecting performance for FSFS
You'd only really see a difference under heavy loads and large
repositories IMHO - which you may have and therefore could give good
$ time svn {co,up,blame,log}
Actually I'm not sure if there is a standard tool set for SVN benchmarks
or if it is mostly adhoc timings as suggested above.
The thread about file systems is found here:
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Received on Tue Sep 13 04:36:13 2005