2005/9/11, Erik Huelsmann <e.huelsmann@gmx.net>:
> > I would like to add the svn:ignore property to any new directory I am
> > checking into the repository. Here is, how an example configuration
> > could look like in the the .subversion configuration file:
> >
> > [auto-props]
> > <directory> = svn:ingore=*.obj *.sbr *.pdb *.exe *.ncb *.opt
> >
> > It configures SVN to ignore non-source file types of VC++ projects
> > without the need to specify the properties manually.
> >
> > What do you think: Shall I create a new entry in the issue tracker for
> > this feature request?
> This is issue 1989.
> What we need now is patches.
Erik, thanks for the pointer to the existing issue entry.
I think there is missing a description of how to distinguish between
files and directory in the auto-property settings. There is only this
*.xcode = svn:ignore=*.mode*\n*.pbxuser
It would only work if the directory matches the pattern "*.xcode". But
what I would need is a way to apply to all directories, for example by
configuring an entry like "<directory>", "{filetype=dir}", or some
thing else.
May be we could even combine file name matching patterns with file
types, like this: "prj_*{filetype=dir}" or "*.xcode<directory>"
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Received on Sun Sep 11 15:36:13 2005