From: Vipin Gopinathan <>
Date: 2005-08-31 07:39:00 CEST
My name is Vipin Gopianth. I am working as a Linux Administrator in a MNC
Right now we have got around 2000+ employees in our organization. We have
We were using vss and CVS for our version control. Right now w ehave got a
These are the problems/doubts which I have in SVN
1) Can we check out a single file from a repository? ( if ina project
2) then how will I give the permission for the repositories
eg: I have got a project called network under that linux,windows,security
we have got users a,b, and c
a only needs to access network , b to windows and c to security
how will we achieve that?
These are the queries I have in my mind regarding SVN.
Could you please give me a solution on this?
Thanks and Regards,
<> USTechnology
Vipin Gopinathan
PSTN: ++91-471-233-5777 extn 1234
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