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Re: Subversion's version

From: Miha Vitorovic <mvitorovic_at_nil.si>
Date: 2005-08-29 12:11:38 CEST

Ignacio García Fernández <ignacio.garcia@uv.es> wrote on 29.08.2005

> Are the possible headaches of upgrade every few months worth it, or
> should I stay in a an old but not moving version?
> And also, how painfull is upgrading? does it imply repository
> conversion? Reading cvs release notes I understood that this does not
> happen often, but i someone could confirm this, please?

Usually it involves making usre nobody can access your repository
(shutting down appache or svn server), and copying new binaries over the
exiting ones. Well, on Linux you may have to upgrade the BDB libraries as
well, if you choose to use BDB. And you usually (denpends on the distro, I
guess) have to build from souce yourself.


  Miha Vitorovic
  In¾enir v tehniènem podroèju
  Customer Support Engineer
   NIL Data Communications,  Tivolska cesta 48,  1000 Ljubljana,  Slovenia
   Phone +386 1 4746 500      Fax +386 1 4746 501     http://www.NIL.si
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Received on Mon Aug 29 12:13:20 2005

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