2005/8/26, Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2005@ryandesign.com>:
> On 25.08.2005, at 22:16, Joe Wade wrote:
> > I want to embed the head repository version number in the code of a
> > project so that when the code is compilied the head version number
> > is embedded in the binary (executable/library/etc). I want to do
> > this, so when a customer calls me up, I can have them give me the
> > binary version info and know exactly what code was used to create
> > the binary.
> > Ideally, I would be able to embed a string such as:
> >
> > 1.001.1234
> >
> > where the first two number indicate major and minor revision, and
> > the last indicates the revision of the repository when the binary
> > was created.
> This should help you:
> http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#version-value-in-source
I use svnversion in my Ant script like this:
<target name="setBuildVersion">
<mkdir dir="${dir.build}"/>
<exec executable="svnversion" spawn="false" dir="${basedir}" output="${
<arg line="."/>
<replaceregexp file="${buildversion.outputfile}"
This creates a file that can be loaded into a Java Properties Object easily
if it is in the classpath. In my case I include it in my distribution JAR.
The property "application.buildversion" is the exact string generated by
Oliver Pajonk
Received on Fri Aug 26 14:56:20 2005