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Re: svn:externals - question: changed (external) hostname => DEAD revisions?

From: Romain Prévost <prevost.romain_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2005-08-26 11:46:13 CEST

I may be wrong, but properties are not versionned in SVN. Therefore,
if an external reference breaks in your repos, change it's property,
delete it, whatever, and all will be fine for the the whole history.

I don't know about specifying a particular revision for the external
property, anyway.

2005/8/26, Holger Stratmann <tigris@finch.de>:
> Hi everybody,
> I have a little question about externals:
> If I define svn:externals lib http://host1/svn/...
> and later on, that hostname changes, my externals-definition is "dead".
> Well, obviously checking out the externals definition fails, BUT also,
> the entire checkout is aborted. How can I "ever" check out such a revision?
> (other than "--ignore-externals") What if I have "n"
> external-definitions and only 1 is broken?
> I am actually asking this *before* adding the externals-definition(s)
> :-)) If we have a chance of breaking our entire history, it might not be
> a good idea to do this kind of thing - and makes "externals" VERY
> dangerous IMHO. You can end up with hundreds of revisions that can never
> be checked out again???
> Point in question: At the moment, our Subversion server is purely
> internal (http://serversomething/), but we'll probably "open it up"
> externally pretty soon (https://svn.ourcompany.com/...). If I define
> "externals" referencing the internal address, nobody will be able to do
> a checkout from outside the office...
> Thanks for any insights :-)
> Holger
> P.S.: Along with all the other feature requests about "svn:externals",
> could we maybe reference a revision property in the externals-def?
> "svn:externals = lib $libserver$/svn/libs/myproject/tags/..." For
> "internal external references" (*g*), relative paths would be fine, but
> for "truly external" externals, you could later change the revision
> property to the new server address... This is not necessarily nice
> behavior for a version control systems, but much better than "broken
> revisions". The whole "externals"-stuff is dangerous as it is :-)
> Also good, but maybe not as "clean": If the externals-server is
> unreachable, the user could be prompted for a new address for that
> server... (used locally only for him)
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Romain Prévost
Epitech promotion 2007
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Received on Fri Aug 26 11:48:14 2005

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