It seems that in certain circonstances, a wc doesn't see that a local
file was modified.
I'm currently developing a serie of unit tests for Subversion on a
Windows client ( with Sun Solaris Server).
In a DOS batch file, I extract various working copies, simulate changes
by copying files over files in the working copies and propagate changes
to the repository.
I always start my batch file with an empty repository before simulating
all the operations on the working copies and the repository.
Not all the times, for a particular change on a file, the svn status
command doesn't see the changes made in that file. The changes are very
simple, it's only 1 char different. So the file stays the same size.
If I look for the file in the hidden .svn\text-base directory, I see the
original version. In the working copy, I see the modified file. If I
tempt a svn revert on my file, it stays with the modification (maybe
because svn think it doesn't need to really revert the file since it
think it's not modified). If I edit manually the file for another
modification, svn status now show me it's modified.
What I think, it's since all my operations are simulated in a batch
file, the extraction of the working copy and the modification of the
file happens very close in time. So maybe the timestamp is not
different between the original version and the modified version and svn
doesn't even look inside the file for checking if it's modified.
Is it as I think ? Is this a know problem ?
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Received on Thu Aug 25 22:00:39 2005