Murray Allen wrote:
> We are running a trial version of EA (Enterprise Architect) which we
> are impressed with so far.
> We are trying to get EA to work with Subversion which is an SCC
> compliant version control system.
I'm not sure where you read that but it's not correct. Subversion itself
is not compliant with Microsoft's SCC API. There are a couple tools
which have tried to bridge this gap but so far they're all very kludgy,
unreliable, and/or slow (from my experience).
> I presume that the "history view" window that is displayed is the
> subversion GUI and hence the "get(overwrite)" button is triggering an
> action in subversion? It may be the case that subversion is not
> getting the file out or putting it somewhere else.
You are talking about some other product here. There is no Subversion
GUI. The Subversion project provides only command-line tools and a set
of libraries. You'll need to contact whomever it is that made your SCC
plugin for more information.
Received on Thu Aug 18 23:29:44 2005