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Re: System Files

From: Adam <techy4hire_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 2005-08-12 12:50:18 CEST

Manage it like you would any other repository.

You can do either of 2 (that immediately come to mind)

#1: repo on that system
#2: repo on central system and copy latest rev to the
system where you are wanting to use dhcpd.conf.

I personally go with #2.

If you wanted to go with #1 you could though.

I haven't tried this, but it sounds like it could

You could install Subversion as usualy for your
system, be that source or binary package.

Then bring your system down to run level one. This
should stop all daemons, etc.

Then move /etc/ to /etc-bkup

Create a repository like the book shows.
Then svn mkdir file:///path/to/repo/etc
chown -R OWNER:GROUP file:///path/to/repo

Usually the owner:group will be apache:apache, but in
your case I think it will be root:root

cd /
svn co file:///path/to/repo/etc

mv /etc-bkup/* /etc/

You can then add dhcpd.conf to your repo and commit.

I personally prefer #2 because I have multiple systems
in their own repos on a central system. I then backup
those repos nightly.

If you need more details let me know. I'm being
general to give you an idea of how I do it. I'm sure
there are dozens of "right" ways to do it.

If you reply, please include both myself and the list
in your reply as this address isn't on the list (an
alias redirects to this one).

BTW, if you try and "version" a symbolic link, you
will only version the symbolic link. You won't be
versioning the data itself. This is a very useful
feature but can be a "gotcha!" if you don't think
about it.

--- Jaime Magiera <jaime@sensoryresearch.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've checked files out of a CVS repository before,
> but have very
> little experience in setting up a Subversion
> repository and managing
> files. What I'd like to do is use Subversion to
> manage a server
> configuration file (/etc/dhcpd.conf). My initial
> thought would be to
> create a symbolic link to that file, and add it to
> the repository.
> However, I'd like to be sure of what I'm doing
> before blowing things up.
> Could someone kindly point me to resources for what
> I'm trying to do,
> or walk me through the process? I've searched the
> archives and book,
> but can't seem to find examples of this type of
> situation.
> thank you,
> Jaime
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Received on Fri Aug 12 12:53:07 2005

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