Subversion not resolving hostnames
From: Martin Ellis <>
Date: 2005-08-09 18:54:21 CEST
There seems to be a heisenbug [1] with resolving hostnames.
Firstly, note that the host command can resolve the server name, so it's not a
$ host
And also that svn can use the server when given it's IP address:
$ svn ls https://`host|awk '{print $4}'`/home/kde
But, when subversion is left to resolve the name, I get:
$ svn ls
Now, in order to actually connect to the server by name, I need to set up a
Note that now, Subversion can't even resolve the name for the proxy, although
$ host wwwcache
$ svn ls
Now here's the heisenbug bit: when I try to track down the problem by using
$ strace -o /dev/null svn ls
I find it slightly more weird that I *don't* need to specify a proxy
FWIW, my computer is using the same DNS servers as the proxy.
I wouldn't mind strace'ing Subversion each time I use it to make it work,
Any ideas?
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