Samay wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "GOVAERTS Lieven"
> <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 1:42 AM
> Subject: RE: RE: Windows svn/tortoise clients with an Apache
> 2.0.54/AuthenNTLM/svn 1.2.1/Linux server
>> Hi,
>> For your information, we're using mod_ldap with Apache on a Suse 9.1
>> server in a Windows domain and Active Directory authentication
>> without problems.
>> We had a problem with the openldap code crashing on invalid
>> passwords, but that was solved by upgrading to the latest version of
>> openldap ( 2.2.27 ).
>> This seems be to a nice and stable solution. Currently we have some
>> 30 users
>> on Subversion, but our end goal is some 250, and I don't expect
>> problems with the LDAP / AD part.
>> Lieven.
> IMO, Mod_auth_kerb is better option for authentication, as its
> lightweight and provides single-sign-on :) okay, specific to SVN
> clients, when neon 0.25.x is part of it, but at least foundation is
> right there. We are usine it for about 100+ users and works like a charm.
Yes, I only wish there was a way to tell mod_auth_kerb to drop the realm
name from the generated basic-auth user name... currently you get
"fred@REALM" into your svn:author instead of just "fred."
-- Brane
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Received on Tue Aug 9 02:34:50 2005