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Recurrsive Commit Through Externals

From: Aaron Wood <woody77_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2005-08-06 20:53:35 CEST

I found the bugs filed against it (and have verified that other useful
commands like add don't recurse down either).

Has anyone found a good workaround for the commit cases? I saw the
branch/tag script, which gets me mostly there, but this will in effect
cause a loss of a feature when switching from cvsnt to svn, so I've
postponed our plan of making the switch until I can find a good

Our cvs repository layout is monolithic, and that's causing lots of
fun performance issues, especially with people pulling down tons of
code and documentation files for projects that they don't need. My
plan for moving to svn was to create lots of small repositories, each
shared component in a repository, with "project" repositories that
would mainly be a pile of externals, a few build scripts and some
other project-specific files.

All commits by developers would be happening in the externally pulled
in dependencies, as they are always working within the scope of a
project, never within just the scope of the components.

So far, I've found ways to work around the tags/branches with the
script for doing so, especially since tagging is done by a build
server, and branching is a rare operation.

But the developers are always doing adds/commits, and if we have to
wrap that in a script to walk down through the folders, doing searches
against the meta-data looking for externals to also commmit, then so
be it, but they won't be particularly happy about it (not happy
learning a new source control tool, let alone one that "had to be
wrapped to do the right thing")

Right now, I'm doing the equivalent of externals through multiple
checkouts and wrapping that up into an ant build script. That doesn't
make them much happy, either.


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Received on Sat Aug 6 20:55:21 2005

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